About Us

Corporate Social Responsibility

Babel actively participates in its corporate social responsibility platform by developing the welfare of citizens and advancing the quality of lives in developing countries.  Babel supports organizations through charitable donations, employment involvement (especially volunteerism), and executing projects for the benefit of finding solutions to socioeconomic issues. In addition, Babel encourages charitable matches, organizes community events, and sponsors events. Babel is proud to be a corporate contributor focusing on education for underprivileged youth and community welfare.  The company supports nutritional, clothing, educational (school fees, books, uniforms), and medical needs for underprivileged youth in developing countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan.  In the coming months Babel will hold workshops on nutrition, hygiene, and education for children and families in developing countries.

Babel maintains a high corporate social responsibility standard and is able to demonstrate this to its employees, customers, and the general public. Babel manages its various business entities to produce impacts on society.  The company upholds that the growth of a country depends on the growth of the people in the society and that corporate social responsibility plays a major role in developing a country's economy.